- Max. screen format: 47 x 47 inches (height x width)
- Max. exposure format: 41.23 x 47 inches (height x width)
- Exposure speed: up to 650 mm/sec.
- High-quality exposure head with a guaranteed resolution of 1270 dpi
- The CPL 330 W UV lamp guarantees a correct exposure with virtually all the meshes and emulsions
- One hundred percent precision for the image positioning on the screen, thanks to laser recording
- Designed for future upgrading from a stand-alone CtS exposure system into a fully automated IN-LINE overall (modular) system
- Rugged and high-quality construction
TEX-series automation levels
STM-TEX pro-10
- Fully automated In-Line stencil making system including
- Direct exposing unit STM-TEX
- Automatic developing unit G-WASH 175-XS and
- 10-slot loading and unloading magazines
This is the “don´t worry” package: Handle up to 10 screens in an automated job queue get them out: ready to print!

STM-TEX pro-one
- Fully automated In-Line stencil making system including
- Direct exposing unit STM-TEX
- Automatic developing unit G-WASH 175-XS and
- Single-slot loading and unloading stations
One screen on exposing, one on developing and third already loaded: Handle up to 3 screens in job queue get them out: ready to print!

STM-TEX basic-10
- Partially automated In-Line exposing system including
- Direct exposing unit STM-TEX
- 10-slot loading and unloading stations
Set a 10-Job queue for screen exposing and let go! You only need to develop the screens and get them printed!

STM-TEX basic-one / basic-duo
- Partially automated In-Line exposing system including
- Direct exposing unit STM-TEX
- Loading and unloading stations for 1 screen (basic-one)
- Loading and unloading stations for 2 screens (basic-duo)
One screen on exposing and the next already loaded. The basic automation!

STM-TEX basic-zero
- Stand-alone direct exposing system STM-TEX
Benefit from all the advantages of Sign-Tronic´s direct exposing technology!

PDF Brochure - STM-TEX Series

PDF Brochure - STM-TEX Series Automation Levels
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